Download Bank Statements Into QuickBooks

Download Bank Statements Into QuickBooks
  • December 6, 2023

QuickBooks is one software that provides you with the API to integrate the program with any banking institution of your choice.

Do you know…?

You can download more than 90 days of data directly within QuickBooks. You can simply:

  • Log in to your bank,
  • Download the banking transactions in a CSV format.
  • Upload the same within your QuickBooks accounts.

How to Download Bank Statements into QuickBooks?

Here are the steps provided for you to download banking entries within your accounting program.

Import transactions from your banking site.

The very first thing you would need to do is to get the entries on your desktop so that you can later upload the same within Quickbooks. This is how you will do that…

  1. Login to your Bank account.
  2. Select the date range and choose the type of account you want to import your entries from.
  3. Choose the file type that can be easily supported by Quickbooks. The most preferred option would be to choose the .csv file type.
  4. Click the download option and you will start to download.

What is Web Connect…?

The process of downloading and then uploading the banking entries within Quickbooks is what we call Web Connect. We make use of this feature if a user is facing issues while having a direct connection with the bank. Web Connect is also great when you do not want to connect your QuickBooks account with your Bank account at all. Here is more on how to get started with Web Connect.

Upload file in QuickBooks?

Now that you have the file on your system, just simply log in to your Quickbooks account and upload the same within the program. This is how you will do that:

  1. Login to your QuickBooks account and from your dashboard click on the “Banking tab”. This you can find on the left of your screen.
  2. From the drop-down menu, choose the “Bank” subtab.
  3. Locate the “Update” option from the top of your screen and click on the drop-down button beside it.
  4. Here you will see a message stating that “No bank is connected”. Scroll down to select the option that says “Upload entries manually.”
  5. Now choose the file from your desktop. This you can do by clicking on the Browse option.
  6. Choose the account where you want to upload the file and choose “Next”. If the account is not already created choose the “Add new option”. This will allow you to create a new account.
  7. Choose the required fields and columns within Quickbooks that relate to your CSV file. This will help you sync your file in the program without an error.
  8. Choose the finish option and your upload will start.

Connect Bank Account to QuickBooks Desktop.

If you are frequent in downloading entries from your Bank to Quickbooks then it’s better to connect the two. This way you save yourself from logging in and logging out from your bank and Quickbooks at the same time. Follow the steps to connect your bank with your Quickbooks.

Steps to Connect Bank Account to QuickBooks Desktop.

  1. Login to your QuickBooks account and click on the “Connect an account” tab. This you can find on the right of your screen.
  2. This will now open up a new window wherein you can select the financial institution of your choice.
  3. The moment you click on the bank's tab, you will be then taken to the website of the bank. Log in to your account.
  4. Once logged choose the account you want to connect with the bank. This you can do by clicking the checkbox alongside the account's name.
  5. Under the QuickBooks accounts tab, choose the appropriate account within QuickBooks you want to connect your bank to.
  6. Choose:
    • Account Type: Most likely it will be a bank, and now
    • Detail Type from the options provided.
  7. Once you have applied all the necessary filters, click on the connect option. This will connect your bank account with your settings selected with Quickbooks.
  8. Once you receive a message that your bank is connected, you can be assured that it is.

Still facing issues: Talk to our QuickBooks pro advisor and let him handle your Query. Get in Touch with us at SMB Accountants.

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