Dynamics 365 CRM Integration with QuickBooks: How To Connect

Dynamics 365 CRM Integration with QuickBooks

Dynamics 365 CRM is a customer relationship management software by Microsoft that provides solutions for sales, marketing, and services thereby enhancing customer service. QuickBooks, on the other hand, is a software that manages the accounts of any individual or a company.

Are you experiencing a communication gap between your Sales and Accounting departments? We can help by automating the process and seamlessly aligning everyone through a Dynamics 365 and QuickBooks integration. The Sales and Marketing departments rely heavily on each other’s data, but when they operate from separate applications, syncing information becomes difficult. Managing two systems independently is cumbersome and leads to wasted time.

According to a recent study, it has been proved that when a company integrates QuickBooks with Dynamics 365 CRM its potential to increase the ROI can be increased by 245%.

There are certain benefits attached to integrating QuickBooks and Dynamics 365 CRM which can be listed as under:

  • It aids in improving business processes and maintains the sanctity of data.
  • Enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Improve the various processes attaches to sales.

In this article, we will essentially talk about how Dynamics 365 CRM can be integrated with QuickBooks. InoLink is a software that enables bi-directional integration between Dynamics 365 CRM and QuickBooks.

However, there are certain prerequisites before installing InoLink on your system:

  • There has to be a workstation that is always on and also logged on.
  • QuickBooks should be installed on that workstation.
  • The company file that needs to be integrated should be able to be logged in from that system.

Dynamics 365 Leverages the Capabilities of QuickBooks

Integrating the financial capabilities of QuickBooks with the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) features of Dynamics 365 creates a powerful and seamless combination.

Real-Time Data Sync from Dynamics 365:

Once the sales process is completed, details are promptly synced with QuickBooks for immediate accounting. Updates are quickly reflected in both systems, eliminating the need for a separate data transfer stage and saving valuable time.

Initiate the Correct Campaigns:

By managing your customer information in Dynamics 365 CRM, you can launch targeted marketing campaigns aimed at potential leads. An analysis is conducted to identify areas where campaigns have been sufficiently deployed and to pinpoint regions that require more focus.

360-Degree View of Customer Accounting Information:

Through this integration, all accounting information of a customer can be accessed directly within the CRM. This allows the Sales team to make informed decisions based on the customer's purchase history and effectively target potential customers for future deals.

Data Integrity Maintained:

Connecting leads to both accounting and sales information of a customer in one place offers numerous advantages, as many fields in Dynamics 365 and QuickBooks are aligned.

Seamless Business Process:

This integration enables businesses to operate smoothly, stay competitive, maximize business benefits, and respond to customers promptly with backed-up data. Accounting dashboards within Dynamics 365 display recent transactions, top customers, and pending invoices, streamlining the entire business process and preventing significant obstacles.

Supported Triggers and Actions


New Account
Triggers when a new account is created.
Contact Updated
Triggers when a contact has been updated.
New Contact
Triggers when a new contact is created.
New Lead
Triggers when a new lead is created.
Opportunity Updated
Triggers when an opportunity has been updated.
New Opportunity
Triggers when a new opportunity is created.
Lead Updated
Triggers when a lead has been updated.
New Account
Triggered when you add a new account.
New Bill
Triggers when a new bill is added.
New Customer
Triggered when you add a new customer.
New Estimate
Triggered when you add a new estimate.
New Expense
Triggers when a new expense is added.
New Invoice
Triggered when you add a new invoice.
New Invoice
Triggered when you add a new invoice (with line item support).
New Sales Receipt
Triggered when a new sales receipt is added (with line item support).
New Payment
Triggered when a payment is received (with line item support).
New Purchase Order
Triggers when a new purchase order is added.
New Sales Receipt
Triggered when a new sales receipt is added.
Updated Customer
Triggered when an existing customer is updated.
New Vendor
Triggered when a new vendor is added.


Create Account
Creates a new account.
Create Contact
Creates a new contact.
Update Account
Updates an account.
Create Lead
Creates a new lead.
Find Contact
Finds a contact by email address or other searchable field.
Update Lead
Updates a lead.
Find Account
Finds an account by name.
Update Contact
Updates a contact.
Find Opportunity
Finds an opportunity by subject or other searchable field
Find Lead
Finds a lead by email address or other searchable field.
Find or Create a Contact
Finds a contact by email address or other searchable field.
Find or Create an Account
Finds an account by name.
Find or Create an Opportunity
Finds an opportunity by subject or other searchable field
Find or Create a Lead
Finds a lead by email address or other searchable field.
Create Bill (Item Based)
Create a new bill, optionally tied to a customer.
Create Bill (Account Based)
Create a new bill, optionally tied to a customer (with line item support).
Create Bill (Item Based)
Create a new bill, optionally tied to a customer (with line item support).
Create Credit Memo
Creates a new credit memo.
Create Customer
Adds a new customer.
Create Estimate
Create a new estimate (with line item support).
Create Expense
Creates a new expense using a check, cash, or credit card.
Create Product/Service
Creates a new product or service.
Create Journal Entry
Creates a new journal entry.
Create Invoice
Adds a new invoice (with line item support).
Create Sales Receipt
Adds a new sales receipt (with line item support).
Create Payment
Creates a new payment, optionally linked to an invoice.
Create Purchase Order
Creates a new purchase order.
Create Refund Receipt
Creates a new refund receipt.
Send Invoice
Send an existing invoice.
Send Sales Receipt
Send an existing sales receipt.
Create Time Activity
Creates a new single-time activity.
Update Customer
Updates an existing customer.
Update Invoice
Updates an existing invoice (with line item support).
Create Vendor
Adds a new vendor.
Find Account
Find an account by name.
Find Customer
Find a customer by name or email address.
Find Invoice
Find an invoice by number.
Find Product(s)
Find a product by name (with line item support)
Find Vendor
Find a vendor by name.
Find or Create Customer
Finds or creates a specific customer v2.
Find or Create Vendor
Finds or creates a specific vendor.

Steps to integrate Dynamics CRM and QuickBooks

Below are the steps to Integrate QuickBooks with Dynamic CRM easily, Please follow the steps carefully.

  • Install InoLink on your system.
  • InoLink will share a link to download the InoLink.zip file. This zip file, which contains the InoLink setup file, Installation manual, user manual, and license needs to be extracted from your workstation.
  • Double-click on the InoLinkSetup.msi to begin the installation.
  • The InoLink wizard screen will appear, click on Next.
  • The License agreement will appear after that, check the box saying I agree and click on Next.
  • Change the destination of the installation folder or remember the suggested location and click on next.
  • A screen will prompt you to import the CRM solution. This will help you complete the installation of Dynamic CRM.
  • Enter the Dynamics CRM details and click on Install.
  • Click close to the installation wizard after the installation is complete.
  • Verify the installation of Dynamics CRM by going to the settings on the Dynamics CRM. Click on Solutions. Here you will see InoLink.
  • Also, the InoLink entities will be displayed on the home page of the Dynamics CRM software.
  • Now go to the settings and click on management on the Dynamics CRM. Click on imports.
  • There will be 6 mapping records displayed under the import section.
  • Now go to Start and open the control panel. Go to the system and select security. Click on administrative tools and in that services. You should see InoLink here.
  • Check the status of Identify Foundation 3.5 under the program features in the control panel. It should be enabled and you must see a checkbox checked against it. If not you should check the same.
  • Connect Dynamics CRM and QuickBooks using InoLink.
  • Click on the InoLink option that you’ll see under the Start Menu.
  • Click on InoLink settings to begin configuration.
  • Go to the File menu and click on connections.
  • Enter both QuickBooks details and CRM details here.
  • After entering all the required details click on Connect to test the connection between QuickBooks and Dynamics CRM.
  • Authorize the access from the QuickBooks desktop.

Why Do You Need A Dynamics 365 and QuickBooks Integration?

Eliminate Errors:

Dynamics 365 and QuickBooks synchronize information directly into a single platform, reducing manual data entry and eliminating the possibility of errors.

Show Where Your Business Can Improve:

This integration provides a comprehensive analysis of your entire business, highlighting areas for financial improvement and customer relations.

Reduce Labor Costs:

Rather than having employees manually enter data into multiple CRM and financial systems, this integration allows for data entry into a single platform, reducing labor requirements and cutting costs.

Drive more insight for better forecasting:

This integration consolidates all your data onto a single platform. A 360-degree view of customer account information provides deeper insights for your Sales team, leading to potential leads.

Increase Productivity:

This integration enables organizations to operate smoothly and stay at the forefront of their industry. By streamlining the entire business process, overall productivity will increase.

Reduce Duplicate Data Entry:

By integrating into one unified platform, this ensures that data in Dynamics 365 remains synchronized with QuickBooks. This allows your sales staff to make more informed decisions regarding their prospects and accounts.

Need Experts Help?

Thus with the aforementioned steps, you will be able to integrate Dynamics CRM and QuickBooks. If you are facing any problems kindly get in touch with our QuickBooks Technical team  smbaccountants.com and get your queries addressed efficiently and effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do dynamic CRM and QuickBooks integration work?

It helps to integrate invoice to invoice, it also helps to track all orders to cash and A/R analytics. While integrating the dynamic CRM and QuickBooks, you can also integrate with an inventory. Integrate with MS dynamics 365/CRM accounts, items, and invoices along with QuickBooks online customers, jobs, invoices, and products.

Does QuickBooks have a CRM module while processing the Dynamic CRM and QuickBooks integration?

The answer is Yes, QuickBooks CRM provides an accounting solution that is generally available for QuickBooks Desktop and online. While doing this process, a user doesn't need a double-data entry. Then, you can easily view the customer information alongside financial data which helps you to identify the important opportunities for your customer and organization.

What are the benefits of dynamic CRM and QuickBooks integration work?

You find better transparency in-between the accounting sales, management teams, and marketing, real-time availability of data, efficient lead management, you will find sing;e point of data entry along with automatic sync between the QuickBooks and dynamic CRM.

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