ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration

ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration

With QuickBooks, a prominent software financial management solution, you can take control of your day-to-day business finance. QuickBooks is a small business accounting software that helps you manage your accounts with convenience and accuracy, saving you time so you can focus on developing your company. With QuickBooks integration to ConnectWise Manage, you can add great value to your business.

You can export the financial information from ConnectWise Manage and update QuickBooks such as invoices, expenses, bills, accounting, and estimates. Moreover, you can keep your book balanced and stay organized without wasting valuable time. There are numerous advantages of Connectwise QuickBooks Integration that you will come to know in this blog including a quick and easy process to accomplish this integration.

What is ConnectWise?

ConnectWise is a small business-related accounting tool that helps you manage your businesses with sales, collaboration, and communication. The important thing about this tool is that it gives you the capability to centralize all your data from multiple channels and show you real-time visibility of your accounting operations.

It has some extraordinary and special features such as keeping track of timing, generating bills and invoices, also remote and local asset monitoring, and Procurement functions which help in governance over purchasing decisions for a company.

What is QuickBooks

QuickBooks is the most popular software for accounting and managing expenses or keeping track of daily health. In this, you can prepare invoices for customers, and pay bills, reports, and taxes. Multiple solutions are available to support a variety of business requirements, including in QuickBooks Product List: QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks Time, or QuickBooks Checking.

System Requirements of ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration

There are a few system specifications that you should meet when you integrate your QuickBooks with ConnectWise.

Let’s check the requirements that you should have to get this integration done:

  • First of all, you will need a sufficient internet connection.
  • Accounting software should work for you.
  • You will need to add the User Id credentials in the ConnectWise application to access your desired accounting.
  • After that, you need to have permission to use your REST API to configure ConnectWish Manage.
  • To make accounting work easy, you need to configure your management software with login information. You also need to configure the account package of your management software.
  • View the ConnectWise Manage configuration below
  • After that, you will need permission to use its REST API to configure ConnectWish Manage.
  • You must already have a login to set up a Quickbooks Online account.
  • Internet Access: You must have access to an Internet connection.
  • You will need to use the user's login ID with the ConnectWise application for you to access your required accounting capabilities.
  • After that, you have to install the accounting software.
  • You will need the login details to access the REST API to set up the ConnectWise Manage software.
  • You will need an efficient internet connection for this.

Advantages of Integrating ConnectWise with QuickBooks 

There are multiple benefits of ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration. The below are listed down:

  • Payment: With your ConnectWise Manage account, you can easily pay your invoices within QuickBooks.
  • Support multiple currencies: With ConnectWise QuickBooks integration, you can effortlessly manage several currencies if you work with them.
  • Validation of the transaction: During the batch, all transactions are checked to ensure that the data entering QuickBooks is correct.
  • Automation creation: For any data that did not exist previously, the QB and ConnectWise interface can generate a list of new customers and vendors. This can all be done automatically, with no need for you to do anything.
  • Synchronize the payments: It lets you import payment information from QuickBooks into ConnectWise Manage, allowing you to see the most up-to-date balance for each customer.
  • Single Record Batches: Each transaction is independently batched and delivered to QB as a single record batch. It simplifies the process of un-batching transactions as needed.
  • Multiple QuickBooks Accounts: If you have a large number of clients to manage QB for, ConnectWise QuickBooks integration allows you to manage all of these accounts in one place. You can even use ConnectWise locations to speed up the process. 
  • Sync entire transactions: When you connect QuickBooks to ConnectWise, you can use visually appealing graphs to obtain visibility into your company's data. This allows you to go over the transactions in your batches more thoroughly.
  • Combined support: You can communicate with your consultant immediately via an online form that will automatically attach to your log data for review.

ConnectWise Manage Configuration 

Make sure Manage is configured to grant the site access to the accounting system and REST API before you start using Mobius Connect.

1. Configuration to Manage Login to access QuickBooks

  • When you set up Mobius Connect, you'll need to give login credentials for a Manage member, which the site will use to access Manage's accounting system. This member might be the login of the user who will run Mobius Connect or a new member created specifically for Mobius Connect.
  • A security role that provides access to the GL Interface must be assigned to the Member for them to work with accounting data. The "Role ID" field must be set to "Finance," "Executive or “Admin in a default installation.
  • A security role that provides access to the GL Interface must be assigned to the Member for them to work with accounting data. The "Role ID" field must be set to "Finance," "Executive or “Admin in a default installation.
  • If you want to establish your own role instead of using the Manage defaults, make sure the security role levels setting on the ”Accounting Interface” line within the Finance Module is set to “All” for ”Add Level,” ”Edit Level,” ”Delete Level,” and ”Inquire Level.”
  • Additionally, make sure that the security role levels setting for "Inquire Level" on the "API Reports" line within the System Module are set to "All".

2. Configuration of Manage to access the ConnectWise REST API

Mobius Connect requires credentials to access the REST API in addition to the Manage Accounting System. There are two choices for giving credentials to use the REST API namely APIKey and MemberImpersonation.

Option 1: APIKey Authentication 

Navigate to the "API Keys" tab on the member setup for Accounting System access in Manage to set up APIKey Authentication. To create a Public/Private key pair, enter a description and click Save. You should save the Private Key somewhere since once you close the API Keys tab; it will no longer be visible.

Option 2: MemberImpersonation Authentication

Open the Integrator Login setup table by going to System > Setup Tables and looking for "Integrator Login" in Manage to set up MemberImpersonation Authentication. To create a new Integrator Login, click the button. Provide a Username and Password, and then click to enable the “Member API” by selecting “All records” as the Access Level.

3. Configuration of GL Accounts 

In order for Manage to give the integration application with the relevant information, your company's GL Accounts must be properly configured. The exact details of this setting are outside the scope of this document because this process is mostly specific to your Company.

4. Configuration of Accounting Package

After you've set up your accounts, you'll need to set up the Accounting Package, which explains how to manage your transactions and export them to your QuickBooks accounts:

  • First, navigate to your system and then Setup the Tables 
  • From the Category drop-down list, select General Ledger on the Setup Table List screen 
  • Next, click on the “Search” tab 
  • After that, select the “Accounting Package” within the Table field
  • Now, change the “Accounting Package Setup” dropdown to “Other” 
  • Confirm that “Sales Tax option” must be checked within the “Sales Tax Options” box 
  • If you want to export expenses as bills then make sure that “Expense: Transfer as Bill?” is checked
  • Otherwise, expenses will export as Expenses in QuickBooks
  • Along with that, you must confirm that the “Inventory SOH Option” checkbox must be checked 
  • choose the maximum number of segments an account in your company will have under the “Accounting Segments”
  • And then  add an additional segment if you want to use Classes
  • Make sure each segment has an "Account" type and add one section of type "Class" if you'll be using Classes
  • At last, click the “Save” button. 

How ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration Works

  • Step 1: First of all, you need to authenticate ConnectWise Manage and QuickBooks Online.
  • Step 2: After authentication select one of the apps as a trigger, Which will kick off your automation.
  • Step 3: Then you have to select the resulting action from the other app.
  • Step 4: After that, select the data which data you want to send from one app to another app.

Supported Triggers and Actions


New/Updated Contact
Triggers when a contact is created or updated.
New/Updated Ticket
Triggers when a service ticket is created and/or updated.
New/Updated Project
Triggers when a project is created or updated.
New Account
Triggered when you add a new account.
New Bill
Triggers when a new bill is added.
New Customer
Triggered when you add a new customer.
New Estimate
Triggered when you add a new estimate.
New Expense
Triggers when a new expense is added.
New Invoice
Triggered when you add a new invoice.
New Invoice
Triggered when you add a new invoice (with line item support).
New Sales Receipt
Triggered when a new sales receipt is added (with line item support).
New Payment
Triggered when a payment is received (with line item support).
New Purchase Order
Triggers when a new purchase order is added.
New Sales Receipt
Triggered when a new sales receipt is added.
Updated Customer
Triggered when an existing customer is updated.
New Vendor
Triggered when a new vendor is added.


Create Company
Creates a new company.
Create Ticket Note
Create a service note or ticket note.
Create Contact
Creates a new contact.
Create Ticket
Creates a new service desk or project ticket.
Find Contact
Find a contact by name, email, or other parameter.
Update Ticket
Updates an existing service or project ticket.
Find Company
Find a company by company identifier.
Update Company
Updates an existing company.
Find Contact
Find a contact by name, email, or other parameter. Optionally, create one if none are found.
Find Company
Find a company by Company ID. Optionally, create one if none are found.
Find Ticket
Find a ticket by ID, Summary, or other parameter. Optionally, create one if none are found.
Find Ticket
Find a ticket by ID, Summary, or other parameter.
Create Bill (Item Based)
Create a new bill, optionally tied to a customer.
Create Bill (Account Based)
Create a new bill, optionally tied to a customer (with line item support).
Create Bill (Item Based)
Create a new bill, optionally tied to a customer (with line item support).
Create Credit Memo
Creates a new credit memo.
Create Customer
Adds a new customer.
Create Estimate
Create a new estimate (with line item support).
Create Expense
Creates a new expense using check, cash, or credit card.
Create Product/Service
Creates a new product or service.
Create Journal Entry
Creates a new journal entry.
Create Invoice
Adds a new invoice (with line item support).
Create Sales Receipt
Adds a new sales receipt (with line item support).
Create Payment
Creates a new payment, optionally linked to an invoice.
Create Purchase Order
Creates a new purchase order.
Create Refund Receipt
Creates a new refund receipt.
Send Invoice
Send an existing invoice.
Send Sales Receipt
Send an existing sales receipt.
Create Expense
Creates a new expense using a check, cash, or credit card.
Update Customer
Updates an existing customer.
Update Invoice
Updates an existing invoice (with line item support).
Create Vendor
Adds a new vendor.
Find Account
Find an account by name.
Find Customer
Find a customer by name or email address.
Find Invoice
Find an invoice by number.
Find Product(s)
Find a product by name (with line item support)
Find Vendor
Find a vendor by name.
Create Expense
Creates a new expense using a check, cash, or credit card.
Create Time Activity
Creates a new single-time activity.


For many years, ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration has been a great setup. QuickBooks has proven to be reliable software for integrating operations and generating profit reports. Furthermore, if you use ConnectWise, the integration between the two works smoothly. It also helps small business owners get more productive, gain insights into their business, attract new customers and do business in today's global and changing economy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Does ConnectWise integrate with QuickBooks?

Ans: Yes, by enabling the 'Automatically match all transactions from Wise to QuickBooks' option in your Wise settings, all of your incoming and outgoing transactions in Wise will be synced with your QuickBooks Online account.

Q2: What is the new name for ConnectWise?

Ans: On May 15, 2023, ConnectWise Control was rebranded back to its original name, ConnectWise ScreenConnect.

Q3: What is ConnectWise integration?

Ans: You can configure your Firebox to integrate with ConnectWise, a professional service automation tool. This integration allows service providers to automatically sync customer asset information, streamlining device management and monitoring for greater efficiency.

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