Record Sale of Fixed Asset in QuickBooks

Record Sale of Fixed Asset in QuickBooks
  • June 20, 2024

In this article, topics such as a step-by-step guide to correctly Record Sale of Fixed Asset in Quickbooks, what is a fixed asset, how to record the sale of different types, and tips and tricks required to record a sale of assets in QuickBooks will be discussed.

We can help you whether you are selling a car, home, or immovable asset. We'll go over crucial procedures including figuring out the selling price, figuring out the net book value, and making the required journal entries. We'll go into detail on how to enter sales of several asset classes such as real estate, cars, and fixed assets into QuickBooks. Additionally, we'll provide insightful pointers and strategies for effectively monitoring asset sales and guaranteeing precise record-keeping.

Once you give this article a thorough read, you will understand the complete process and you will be enriched with knowledge that is enough to handle the recording sale of fixed asset in QuickBooks!

What is a Fixed Asset in QuickBooks Online?

  • Computers
  • Real estate
  • Office equipment
  • Machinery
  • Software
  • Vehicles

These assets are very important for business ventures because they cannot be reality converted to cash. Unlike inventory items which are meant for sale, fixed assets are recorded on the balance sheet as property, plant, and equipment (PP&E). These assets are very important because of their contribution to generating income for the company by not being sold directly. 

The fixed assets in QuickBooks are considered as wear and tear apart from land. The value of an asset decreases over time, a process known as depreciation, and such assets are called depreciating assets. Also, assets whose value increases with time are called appreciating assets. Tracking fixed assets in QuickBooks helps the user in monitoring the depreciation, it’s maintenance costs, warranty details, and other information. These details are necessary for financial management and tax reporting. Understanding and managing assets in QuickBooks. Online is key to maintaining up-to-date financial records and ensuring efficient business operations.

How To Record Sale of Fixed Asset in QuickBooks?

Businesses can keep accurate financial records by using this methodical approach, which is crucial for tracking the value of the assets sold, calculating the total gains or losses, and meeting regulatory obligations. 

Quickbooks help these companies or businesses by keeping track of asset sales. It also protects the integrity of their financial records, makes decisions, and obtains insights into their financial performance by appropriately tracking asset sales in QuickBooks. A smooth and transparent financial management ecosystem is facilitated by keeping accurate records in QuickBooks, which also simplifies tax reporting and auditing procedures. 

The step-by-step guide given below will assist the user in precisely keeping track of the sale of assets in QB. 

Step 1 - The Selling Price of an Asset is Determined

Initially, you are required to determine the correct selling price of the fixed asset as per the market value and inflation in the market due to any reason. 

  • Market Analysis: A comprehensive analysis of the market has to be done by the user to monitor the inflation and how depreciating an asset could be. This process involves research and comparison between the sales of the current market and the benchmark pricing. 
  • Estimated Value: Depreciation on the asset must be calculated taking into account the  technological obsolescence, wear and tear quality of the asset, and its usage
  • Determining Final Selling Price: To determine the ultimate selling price, you are required to make prospective adjustments, such as upgrades or repairs, which must be taken into account after the market valuation and depreciation have been established.

Step 2 - Estimation of the Net Booking Value of the Asset

To appropriately depict the asset's current value, you will have to evaluate the financial effects of the sale in QuickBooks.

  • Factors for Value Estimation: A more accurate estimation of the asset's value on the balance sheet is obtained by deducting the asset's cumulative depreciation from its initial cost. To guarantee that the net book value is accurate, any adjustments like impairment or changes in useful life must be taken into account.
  • Benefits of Value Estimation: In financial reporting, the net book value is essential because it helps assess possible gains or losses on the sales of an asset, which affects the entire financial statements and offers insightful information for making decisions.

Step 3 - Make a Journal Entry for the Asset's Sale

To record the sale of fixed assets in QuickBooks, you will have to create a comprehensive journal entry. It is an important step that is required to correctly document all the transactions and take note of their financial impact.

  • Details Required: To record sale of fixed assets in QuickBooks, you will require the date of sale, assets’ description, selling price, and other expenses related to it.  
  •  Importance of Categorization: It's crucial to classify the sale's financial effects by crediting the matching sales account and debiting the appropriate asset account.
  • Accurate Financial Records: This process of documentation is essential to know the correct influencing factors of any business’s financial records. This ensures financial transparency and clarity to the external and internal stakeholders.

Types of Fixed Assets in QuickBooks

There are many types of Fixed Assets in QuickBooks that can be added manually. A few of the assets are mentioned in the table provided below. 

Assets Details
Tools, Machinery, and other equipment These tools or equipment are used for outdoor work and they can be utilized at least for one year. 
Land It is also denoted by costs spent on the improvement of land.
Buildings This facility is completely owned by a company.
Office Equipment for Long Term These equipment are used in the office and 
Renovation Money spent by the company to improve the existing facilities and provide comfort to the other employees.
Furniture & fixtures It includes a table, chair, cubical walls, and filing cabinets.

How to Record the Sale of Different Types of Assets in Quickbooks?

To record the sale of fixed assets in QuickBooks, you are required to follow different steps as per the type of asset. The entry methods submitted for the correct depiction of transactions are different for each set of data. Here are the steps required to record the sale of an Assent.

  • View your Accounting tab and click on the Charts of Accounts.
  • Look for Fixed Asset Account, and select it. 
  • From the Action Column, select the drop-down and mark it as Inactive. 
  • Hit the Yes button to confirm your actions.

It is required to record the accumulated depreciation, initial cost, and other losses caused by damaged assets that have to be included during the profit/loss calculation of Fixed assets. When recording the sales, it is important to mention the buying princess, any market inflation, and the selling price.

Similarly, when recording the sales of any vehicle, you are supposed to submit its initial costs, total loss amount caused by depreciation, and other charges included due to repairs or modifications of the vehicle. Every category of Asset in QuickBooks requires attention to make sure that correct financial data and reports are being submitted as per the accounting standards.

How to Record Sale of Fixed Assets in QuickBooks?

While recording sale of fixed asset in QuickBooks, it is important to follow the specific guidelines to make sure that financial classification and other adjustments due to depreciation have been recorded properly. This also includes monitoring the updated depreciation in the value of the asset to ensure it is reflected in the book value during the time of sale. 

The implications caused by depreciation must be closely observed by the team as it hugely impacts the company’s income statement and balance sheet. It is also important to make the ledger adjustments by recording the sale and removing the assets from the database.

For the integrity of any company’s financial statements, it is important to accurately record the sale of a fixed asset in QuickBooks. It also ensures compliance with accounting standards.

How to Record the Sale of a Property in QuickBooks?

It is important to document the updated account, and transaction, and note the fiscal matter properly while you record the sale of a property in QuickBooks. This means you have to properly record the sales agreement, relevant documentation, deed, and other related fiscal adjustments. 

QuickBooks assists the user in easy documentation and automatic updation of the proper asset accounts. This seamless integration makes it easier for the user to track the influence of sales on the overall finances. 
The best part of recording the sale of a property in QuickBooks is in-depth reports that show the inflation in the finances of property sale and highlights to make further financial decisions.

How to Record the Sale of a Vehicle in QuickBooks?

The entry methods used to record the sale of a Vehicle in QuickBooks require accurate updation of the vehicle asset account. This reflects the financial influence caused by the asset. 

The vehicle’s entry status is updated by creating an invoice or sales receipt as per the type of transaction. While recording the sales, it is mandatory to check the revenue from the sales and adjust the cost of goods that have been sold. To generate an accurate financial report, it is required to document every information related to the vehicle’s finances. 

By recording the data, you are updating the vehicle’s book value as well as creating an impact on the balance sheet and income statement.

Tips and Tricks for Recording Sale of Assets in QuickBooks

When recording the sale of assets in QuickBooks, several tips and tricks can streamline the process and ensure accurate financial representation of transactions:

1. Create a Separate Account for Asset Sales:

  • You are required to create a dedicated account in the chart of accounts titled as ‘'Asset Sales' or some other title related to asset sales.
  • This somewhere allows QuickBooks to clear the track of proceeds and proper categorization of the asset sale transactions.

2. Utilize 'Fixed Asset Item' for Fixed Asset Sales:

  • You should use a 'Fixed Asset' type account for clarity and accurate reporting.
  • This feature will simplify the process of documentation. It will also ensure proper categorization and adjustments made due to the depreciation of the asset. 
  • It also makes sure of tax compliance with the accounting standards of the country. 
  • QuickBooks automates the generation of updated financial reports.

3. Use 'Other Charge Item' for Property and Vehicle Sales:

  • You can assign the 'Other Charge Item' functionality for specific charges related to property and vehicle sales.
  • This will enable precise financial categorization. This will include the additional expenses like fees for inspection or transfer taxes. It helps in creating broad financial reporting along with compliance with regulatory requirements.

4. Sale of Assets Account must be Set Up:

  • You will have to make a separate account, especially for the 'Sale of Assets'.
  • This structured approach to record sales of fixed assets in Quickbooks helps in tracking asset sales separately, further enhances its financial visibility, and facilitates detailed documentation.

5. Record Depreciation Before Selling an Asset:

  • You must ensure that the depreciation is recorded accurately before selling the assets.
  • By recording sale of fixed asset in QuickBooks, you will succeed in maintaining financial accuracy. This will help in getting a realistic asset value in financial statements.
  • Also, it will prevent you from consuming misleading financial information.


You can improve your businesses’ efficiency, ensure compliance with accounting standards, and enhance the accuracy of finance reports by integrating these strategies while you record sale of fixed asset in Quickbooks. This article addresses every single detail which includes, steps to record the sale, what a fixed asset is, and how to record the sales of the vehicle, property, and other fixed assets separately. From the initial categorization of fixed assets to the final financial impact, QuickBooks ensures thorough documentation and transparency in the financial management of a company.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1: What is a fixed asset in QuickBooks?

Ans: Fixed assets in QuickBooks are basically physical assets such as computers, real estate, machinery, and vehicles. These assets are mainly owned by a business. They are used for a longer time period to generate more income. 

Q 2: How can I determine the selling price of any fixed asset?

To determine the selling price of any fixed asset, you should do a market analysis and understand the status of current market values. Also, try to analyze the factors that are causing inflation in the selling price. You must make sure that you have made a record of the adjustments for any upgrades or repairs made to the asset. The final selling price of the fixed asset is calculated by properly analyzing these evaluations.

Q 3: How do I record a sale of fixed asset in QuickBooks?

Ans: To record sale of fixed asset in QuickBooks, you must first create a journal entry followed by submission of details such as date of sale, asset description, selling price, and any related expenses. Later, you can debit the appropriate asset account and credit the sales account to reflect any transaction accurately.

Q 4: Can I separately record the fixed assets, like vehicles or property?

Ans:  Yes, you can separately record the fixed assets, like vehicles or property. The main reason behind this is that there are two types of assets, appreciating and depreciating. If we are recording the sale of appreciating assets like property, it will not require any other charges. However, for depreciating assets (Vehicle) you must add the depreciation and repair costs as well. 

Q 5: Is it important to record depreciation before selling an asset?

Ans: Yes, you are required to record depreciation before selling any asset. Recording depreciation accurately before selling ensures that the asset's book value reflects its true value over time.

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