• December 29, 2016

Quickbooks Database Server Manager (QBDBSM) Services Stopped / Crashed

At times when the QuickBooks user attempts to open the SIMATIC-Manager, unfortunately, faces the error message – “QuickBooks unable to initialize requested communication links”, when the option 'IPX/SPX' is enabled in your SIMATIC workplace, but this protocol is not installed on the computer the user uses. There are different error messages that users can receive and Intuit has recommended solutions accordingly.

A possible sign of QuickBooks being unable to initialize requested communication links

  • Crashing of program files inside QuickBooks.
  • Then comes an error message EXAMPLE: The kickbooksw26 started and suddenly stopped in your local host.
  • It is common to have such activities, as the program is not being used by any other program. It will shut down automatically in case of such an error.
  • IP addresses of the file .ND extensions cannot be located that have been recently updated. You need to list the engine name 
  • QBDBMgrN file is not present and not starting within QuickBooks Server Manager.

Solutions of Quickbooks Database Server Manager (QBDBSM) Services Stopped / Crashed

1. Situation One: Error message

Attempt to SIMATIC workplace through Start -> SIMATIC -> STEP 7 -> Configure SIMATIC Workstation the following protocols are enabled

2. Situation Two: Configurations of the SIMATIC Workstation

  • Open the configuration dialog for the SIMATIC Workstation with Start -> SIMATIC -> STEP 7 -> Configure SIMATIC Workstation
  • Click on the tab Workstation Configuration
  • Disable 'IPX/SPX' if you do not use this protocol or if the server does not support it
  • Restart your computer

3. Situation Three: Corrected Workstation configuration

However, if you need this protocol, it can be installed again under Windows NT4:

  • Open the following dialog by clicking on Start -> System -> Network and choosing the tab Protocols
  • With the button "Add" you open a list of available protocols
    • Choose NWLink IPX/SPX-compatible transport and confirm with OK. You might need your Windows NT4-CD for the installation of the protocol
    • Restart the computer after installation of the protocol

If the problems still prevail contact QuickBooks technical support number. The in-house Intuit-certified Proadvisors are approachable via various modes like phone support, email support, live chat, etc. At times due to some valid reasons, you fail to reach the support professionals. For instant error resolution and assistance, you can contact other reliable agencies.

Technical Support & Help for Fixing QBDBSM Crash Issue

Also, you can choose QuickBooks Proadvisor for resolving your QuickBooks issue. It is an independent technical support provider for QuickBooks accounting software and peripherals. It houses experienced and knowledgeable professionals who with their combined skills help to resolve the issues. The resolution offered is complete and assured to be resolved in the minimum wait time.

Call Now+1-800-961-4963